Sunday, December 27, 2015

Budgie Dog

Have you ever wondered what a budgie dog would look like? Specifically, blue budgie and French Bulldog... well, I took a stab at it! Turned out much less recognizable as a French bulldog inspiration... but there it is!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Real life gets in the way

Fully intended to post more drawing(s) today... but between chores and distractions, I didn't. I got an interesting couple of ideas, which I'll explore tomorrow.

Binge watched Jessica Jones with my boyfriend this past Thanksgiving break. It was well done and most certainly a refreshing perspective. There were an unheard number of strong female characters. Hopefully this is a new direction entertainment is going towards.

At any rate, I fully plan to post more art tomorrow!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Trying to get back on the saddle

It's been a very long time since I've updated this. I've been stagnating and uninspired. I've been struggling with my sense of self worth and questioning my abilities. But I made a couple of things and it made me so happy... I had forgotten that feeling.

1. Sumo hamster - the world needed one

2. Throw it back - because creepy line art.